He's Demanding Freedom of Speech!!
As you may or may not know, I am a fan of Kevin Trudeau and I am actually a member of GIN, the Global Information Network. Kevin Trudeau is NOT the negative money hungry person that he has been made out to be by the media. If you think he is, it is only because you have listened to media hype about him and haven’t taken the time to get to know him. If you did take the time to get to know him, I promise, you’d become a follower and a leader in your own rite.
Kevin is a person that walks in similar shoes to the one’s I wear. A Voice For Change was founded under many of the same principles that Mr. Trudeau writes and talks about. Please take the time to get to know Kevin by reading some of his material and exploring the possibility that he may just be right and know what he is talking about. Take the time to consider that just maybe, he cares enough to put his butt and money on the line because he wants to make a better world for all of us to dwell in. As is the case with me, it would be easy to just have a job that pays a salary and not put myself/ourselves out there. It would be easy not to care about you and just care about myself and those closest to me.
The tough road to walk is the one that we are walking. We are providing those that follow us with facts, so that they can make their own decisions and turn around the health of their bodies, wallets, spirits and the planet. Freedom of speech is a necessary component to being able to walk your own walk, otherwise you become a follower and a victim to the whims of others.
I hope you will join me in supporting Kevin. If you are interested in the club I belong to, check it out at globalinformationnetwork.com and tell them voice4change sent you.
Kevin Trudeau: All The Way To The Supreme Court!
Earlier this week, the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a lower court's $37.6M ruling against Kevin Trudeau, but this fight is FAR from over! This is a complete gross oversight by the legal system!
Kevin issued this statement to the media: "The decision does not just effect me, it effects every author in America," said Kevin Trudeau. "This decision goes directly against the core meaning and intent of the 1st Amendment!"
This fight with the Federal Trade Commission has been going on far too long, forcing both to spend millions of dollars litigating this matter. In the Government's case, that would be tax dollars wasted on legal proceedings. "We can no longer sit back and let power hungry overseers of justice impose their will based on their opinions alone," said Trudeau. "It's time they follow the laws that were written by and for the people."
"The fight will go on and I will take this all the way to the Supreme Court if I have to," insisted Trudeau. "There is too much at stake with our right to freedom of speech in this case!"
Kevin is asking, more than ever as this fight has escalated to a level unknown to many, for your help! If you are willing to contribute $1000 or more to Kevin's Legal Defense Fund, he would like you and a guest to join him at a private dinner on Sunday, January 22, 2012 in Miami. If you are unable to make that evening, we will schedule another date for you later in 2012. The easiest way to do so is to make a secure credit card contribution HERE. Soon after, we will be in touch with you regarding details of the evening.
Please contribute what you can and know you will make an immediate impact in Kevin's fight for our rights that is now on its way to the US Supreme Court! Join us and "Stand with KT now!"
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