Month: August 2024 (Page 1 of 2)

August 30, 2024

Today Donna discusses why education is the key to healing. Building your supportive community is the beginning followed by a new diet, a new/old way of eating. It’s a big challenge but I believe it will be the game changer for sure and for everyone, not just those with a debilitating disease.

And let’s not forget about our mental diet – and how thoughts influence our reality and physical state of being. If you suffer from old wounds or torments, if you keep repeating bad habits that are not serving you in a positive manner, consider becoming familiar with Dr. Joe Dispenza. He’ll teach you that you have the SOURCE – it’s within you!

“For the first time in the history of meditation studies, scientists have discovered something profound happening inside someone’s body when a simple formula of brain and heart coherence is practiced. Learn – become a part of our community. This is a life changing, eye opening, and a beginning to a better life.” I’ll be talking about this throughout this journey to healing so please get on board and learn how this can be a game changer in your life too.

Remember, we’ve been lied to about everything. Now we need to focus on relearning – knowing the truth – and walking in love, peace, and a focused current day mind set. It is all possible.

Visit her Substack page for more specific information on the topics she is (or will be) discussing, like how to do a liver cleanse or what the best water to drink is.

To Hear today’s Vlog, visit Donna’s Rumble Channel at

August 20, 2024

Health Freedom Warrior Begins the Journey

Today Donna discusses some of the therapies she is trying out – just a brief description of what she has been up to since her diagnosis a month ago. She stresses having a supportive cheerleading team that keeps you focused and positive as you walk this path. This is #1 important – the most important. You won’t heal in a negative environment.

Listen in and see what she said about nutrition and Western modalities for treating cancer. Education is the key to healing. We’ve been lied to about everything. Now we need to focus on relearning – knowing the truth – and walking in love, peace, and a focused current day mind set. It is all possible. Building your supportive community is the beginning.

Tomorrow she will begin to dive into more specific healing options and will leave links and information on her Substack page so you can investigate further if you think this is something you are interested in.

To Hear today’s Vlog, visit Donna’s Rumble Channel

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