Make freshly brewed leafy green tea a part of your daily health regimen. Did you know it can help fight cancer? Did you know that green tea supports natural detoxifying enzymes, normal gene signaling as well as the health and function of intestinal flora? Did you know that the antioxidants present in green tea have been found to prevent the growth and formation of new blood vessels in tumors? Did you know these same antioxidants have also been found to kill or inhibit the growth of cancer cells? I admit that these findings are, for the most part, obtained from laboratory studies, however, human clinical trials are currently underway and are also confirming the positive health benefits of the daily consumption of two to three cups green tea. Check with your doctor to make sure green tea is good for you if you are taking prescription medications or if you are sensitive to caffeine. Don’t expect the same results from using the decaffeinated version either.