Author: Donna Appel (Page 22 of 24)

Wake up call: Baby diapers contaminated with over 60 toxic chemicals including glyphosate

NaturalHealth365) No doubt, health-conscious consumers are very concerned about glyphosate in the food supply.  And, parents are rightfully upset about the toxic chemicals in vaccines.  But, now, glyphosate and other highly toxic chemicals have been detected in baby diapers.

The French safety agency ANSES has conducted tests on disposable baby diapers over the past few years, and the results have been consistently disturbing.  In all, 60 different chemicals have been identified, including glyphosate – the active ingredient in Roundup.

Other pesticides detected in baby diapers included lindane, quintozene and hexachlorobenzene, which have been banned by the European Union for more than 15 years.

Baby diapers tested positive for cancer-causing chemicals and endocrine disruptors

Disturbingly, the testers also detected a number of synthetic fragrances like benzyl alcohol and butylphenyl as well as VOCs (volatile organic compounds).

The VOCs included styrene, naphthalene, toluene and dichlorobenzenes. PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) such as dioxins and furans were also found – these are the nasty chemicals found in diesel engines and cigarette smoke.

Many of these toxic chemicals are carcinogenic in addition to being endocrine disruptors.

Did you know?  The liver is the most important detoxifying organ in the body.  When the liver can’t effectively neutralize and dispose of toxins, they accumulate in the body.  Two essential nutrients for healthy liver function are milk thistle and glutathione.

And, while some may argue the ‘external use’ of products like baby diapers minimize the effects of any chemicals they contain, this is simply not the case.  Why?  Because the skin is the largest organ of the human body and does absorb substances it comes in contact with.

The first few years of life should NOT be this dangerous

In addition to a range of skin problems, prolonged exposure to chemical-infused products can raise a child’s risk for cancer and other illnesses, over time.  In all, 23 samples were tested between 2016 and 2018.

One disturbing fact: potentially dangerous chemicals were even found in disposable diapers labeled as “ecological.” As we all know, babies wear diapers almost constantly during the first few years of life.  In fact, it’s estimated that each child wears about 4,000 diapers between birth and age three.

And, while ANSES was not specific, they concluded that health risks “could not be excluded” related to the long exposure to synthetic diapers. The agency called for the removal of these substances as well more restrictive regulations for these products.

While some of the compounds such as fragrances are included by the manufacturers intentionally, clearly the presence of glyphosate, VOCs, PAHs and other dangerous and toxic chemicals is highly problematic.

Action step: Washable organic cotton baby diapers provide a safer alternative

At this time, washable cloth baby diapers are only used by about 5 percent of parents in the Western world.  While they have not been tested by organizations such as ANSES, they are no doubt far safer than diapers made from chemical-infused plastics.

To ensure safety and good health, parents should consider using organic cotton diapers for their children as an alternative.  And, of course, consumers can minimize exposure to herbicides, like glyphosate, by shopping and eating organic food – as much as possible.














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Adding Fluoride to the Water Supply: A Ridiculous Idea

How could anyone support adding a substance that is both a carcinogen & neurotoxin to our water supply? Yet, for over 50 years, across the US, we have been doing just that. Fluoride added to our water supply is a perfect illustration of terrible public policy & exemplifies what is wrong with our Government.

Fluoride, being a neurotoxin & a carcinogen, is toxic to nerve cells & has been shown to cause cancer.


A new Canadian study found that, when compared to women in non-fluoridated areas, maternal fluoride exposure during pregnancy resulted in a significantly lowered IQ in their children.


Folks, this study is not new. In fact, over 50 previous studies have shown a similar problem—lowered IQ– with fluoride exposure.


Adding fluoride to our water supply is an example of medicating the population without consent. That is wrong. Adding a substance to our water supply that is both a neurotoxin and carcinogen is just dumb.


We know that lead exposure causes problems with lowered IQ and neurotoxicity. So, lead was removed from paint, gasoline and leaded pipes. When leaded pipes are found to contaminate water, a public health emergency is issued and steps are taken to remove it from our water supply. Lead exposure lowers IQ on par with fluoride exposure.

We were all taught that fluoride prevents cavities. That is FAKE NEWS! Studies of countries who fluoridate their water supply compared to those that do not show no difference in cavity rates. And, fluoride toxicity is occurring right before us. Just look in a youngster’s mouth; there is a 50% chance that US children will have dental fluorosis which is seen as stains on the teeth. Dentists will claim it is just cosmetic. That is incorrect. It is sign of too much fluoride.


Fluoride exposure causes problems with iodine as fluoride is in the same halide family as iodine. Fluoride causes the body to competitively inhibit iodine & causes the body to release iodine. We are currently suffering from an iodine deficiency crisis as iodine levels have continually fallen in the US for  50+ years. Iodine deficiency is associated with cancer of the breast, prostate, ovary, uterus & thyroid. These are all cancers that are increasing at epidemic rates at the same time iodine levels are falling.


What can you do? First, put a filter on your kitchen sink that removes fluoride. Next, elect politicians who have a functioning brain (a difficult task) & will work for us. They should demand that fluoride be removed from our water supply. Have your iodine levels checked & supplement with iodine when low. At my office, over 7,000 people have been checked for iodine. Nearly 97% are low, most severely low.


For more information about fluoride & iodine, read: Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It.
By Dr David Brownstein
Compliments of * Soups On Main, 199 Main St, Hackettstown NJ 07840 * 908-736-6004 * SoupsOnMain.Co
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